Rusted Cogblade
A blade crafted from the corroded cogs and gears of an ancient, forgotten machine. Its jagged edges and mechanical construction imbue it with a unique character, resonating with the echoes of a bygone era. While unassuming in appearance, its rusted nature conceals a surprising versatility, making it a valuable asset for relic hunters navigating through large hordes of enemies.
"name": "Rusted Cogblade",
"tier": "1",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Slashing",
"description": "A tier 1 blade, worn and rusted from age, delivering slashing damage. Though its damage is minimal, it may still find use in the hands of a resourceful adventurer or as a backup weapon.",
"baseDamage": 1,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Velocity_Augmentation)
"Ah, the Rusted Cogblade, eh? Quite an intriguing piece of craftsmanship! You know, it might appear decayed and forgotten, but there's an essence of the mechanical era in its core. Just listen to the way those cogs whir and groan, like a ghost of machinery past. With the right tinkering and a dab of alchemical oil, this could be a formidable instrument. I could even detect a resonance with... What's that? Oh yes, right here in my notes... A connection with the way large mechanical constructs used to function. Quite fascinating! Now, where did I put my wrench?"
Passive Ability - "Cogwheel Carnage"
As the enemies surround the wielder, the rusted cogs within the blade begin to resonate and amplify its destructive power. The more foes that confront the player, the more the blade's damage scales, allowing it to cut through large stacks of enemies with increased efficiency. Additional damage is dealt based on the number of enemies in close proximity, representing the mechanical nature of the weapon.
Active Ability - "Kinetic Repulsion"
With a powerful swing, the wielder can unleash the stored kinetic energy within the rusted cogs, creating a shockwave that knocks back enemies in an area around the player. This ability channels the raw mechanical power hidden within the rusted components, turning the decay into a potent force.
Copper Cog Recurve
"name": "Copper Cog Recurve",
"tier": "1",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Ranged", "Piercing",
"description": "A tier 1 recurve bow crafted with copper cogs, designed for ranged piercing attacks. Its low damage makes it suitable for beginners or as a secondary weapon, offering tactical options from a distance.",
"baseDamage": 2,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.2,
"upgradePaths": (Rapid_Release_Gear)
"The Copper Cog Recurve, a masterstroke of mechanical design! Just look at how the cogs interlock, creating a seamless flow of energy from the draw to the release. And the copper, oh, the copper! A conduit for the relic's energies, turning mere projectiles into harmonious mechanical wonders. This is not just a bow; it's a symphony of gears and metal, a testament to the boundless possibilities of invention! Now, if you'll excuse me, I must analyze these fascinating resonance patterns. Where did I put my spectacles?"
Description: An elegant and inventive recurve bow, the Copper Cog Recurve is crafted with interlocking copper cogs and mechanical intricacies. Its limbs are curved with masterful precision, allowing it to launch cog-shaped projectiles with astonishing force. Imbued with the mysterious energies of the relic, each shot resonates with a mechanical harmony, turning ordinary archery into an art of industrial beauty.
Passive Ability - "Mechanical Momentum"
The Copper Cog Recurve gains increased firing speed and penetration power the longer it is drawn. Each successive enemy hit by a single projectile increases the damage dealt to the next, symbolizing the unstoppable force of mechanical progression.
Active Ability - "Clockwork Volley"
Unleash a timed barrage of cog-shaped arrows that rain down on a targeted area. These arrows embed themselves into the ground, creating temporary mechanical traps that slow and damage enemies who step on them. A perfect blend of precision and area control.
Electro Axe
"name": "Electro Axe",
"tier": "3",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Slashing", "Electric"
"description": "A tier 3 axe that crackles with uncontrollable electrical energy, dealing both electrical and blunt damage. The unpredictable path of electricity means that damage can vary, making it a potent but wild weapon in the hands of a skilled warrior.",
"baseDamage": 15,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Shock_Module, Voltage_Regulator, Velocity_Augmentation)
"Ah, the Electro-Axe, a fascinating combination of raw muscle and wild energy! Look at the way the electricity dances along the blade, almost as if it's alive. Mind the sparks though, they can be quite—Ouch! Quite shocking. Now, controlling this beast requires both strength and finesse. A heavy swing sends the electricity arcing wildly, but there's a method to the madness, a pattern hidden in the chaos. If you can master it, the Electro-Axe will be an unparalleled ally. If not, well, let's hope your reflexes are quick!"
Description: A fusion of brute force and raw electrical energy, the Electro-Axe is a unique and formidable weapon. Fashioned from advanced conductive materials and adorned with intricate circuitry, the axe resonates with a pulsating electric charge. Each swing creates an arc of electricity that can jump between targets, delivering devastating and unpredictable damage. The more substantial the swing, the more chaotic the arc, turning each attack into a thrilling gamble of power and precision.
Passive Ability - "Erratic Magno Charge"
The Electro-Axe's electrical energy builds up with each swing, accumulating static charge. When reaching critical mass, the stored energy randomly discharges, arcing to nearby enemies and dealing bonus electrical damage after knocking them back with a magnetic pulse. The passive also increases the weapon's critical hit chance, though it comes with a small chance of backfiring, knocking the player back based on how much metal they are wielding.
Active Ability - "Thunderous Throw"
Unleashing the full potential of the Electro-Axe, the player throws the weapon in a devastating arc. The axe traces an unpredictable path, shocking and damaging all enemies in its way. Upon impact, it releases a burst of electricity, stunning and damaging enemies in an area. The axe then returns to the player's hand with a magnetic pull, ready for the next assault.
Cogspring Clamp
"name": "Cogspring Clamp",
"tier": "3",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Clamping",
"description": "A tier 3 mechanical device that not only delivers moderate damage but also has an immobilizing effect on targets. The combination of damage and crowd control makes it a versatile weapon in the field.",
"baseDamage": 7,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (All)
"Ah, the Cogspring Clamp! A fine example of function over form, if I do say so myself. Just look at how those springs coil and tense, ready to unleash their energy at the slightest provocation! Placement is key with this device, my friend. A well-laid trap can mean the difference between victory and defeat. And the way those jaws snap shut – pure mechanical poetry! Rough around the edges, perhaps, but never underestimate the power of a well-timed trap." - Elias Quark
Description: The Cogspring Clamp is a marvel of makeshift engineering, utilizing the tension of coiled springs and an intricate mechanism of cogs to create a devious trap. When activated, it springs open, clamping down on anything caught within its jaws with astonishing force. Its steampunk aesthetic belies a crude, yet effective design, capable of immobilizing even the most formidable foes.
Passive Ability - "Spring-Loaded Surprise"
The Cogspring Clamp gains extra damage and immobilization duration against enemies who are unaware of the player. Ideal for ambush tactics, it becomes more effective when used stealthily and strategically.
Active Ability - "Cogspring Ambush"
Allows the player to place the Cogspring Clamp as an environmental trap. When an enemy steps on it, the clamp activates, dealing damage and immobilizing the target for a short duration. Additional traps can be set up to create a deadly minefield.
Sprocket Mosquito
"name": "Sprocket Mosquito",
"tier": "3",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Sprocket",
"description": "A tier 3 mechanical insect that continuously pierces its enemies, dealing low but relentless damage over time. Its ability to inflict continuous piercing damage makes it a unique and tactical choice.",
"baseDamage": 3,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.5,
"upgradePaths": (Hardened_Sprocket_Stinger)
"A Sprocket Mosquito, eh? A most intriguing concept! Tiny, yet effective, this mechanical insect is a masterpiece of nanotechnology. The way it adapts to its target's movements, always finding the weak spots... it's like poetry in motion. Of course, it requires meticulous calibration and maintenance; these delicate wings and that sprocket-stinger are finely tuned instruments. But in the right hands, it's a surprisingly potent tool. Just don't let it out near any open windows!"
Description: This intricately designed weapon is a marvel of miniaturized mechanics, housing a tiny mechanical mosquito within its sleek casing. Upon activation, the Sprocket Mosquito takes flight, guided by a rudimentary but relentless AI, and targets the enemy's weak points. Its sharp, sprocket-like stinger inflicts damage over time, as it continually seeks out the enemy, refusing to be swatted away.
Passive Ability - "Relentless Pursuit"
The Sprocket Mosquito has a chance to ignore enemy armor and shields, directly targeting weak points for continuous damage. The more the enemy moves, the more damage is inflicted, as the mosquito adapts to their movements.
Active Ability - "Swarm Release"
Release a swarm of Sprocket Mosquitoes that target multiple enemies at once, creating a chaotic scene of buzzing mechanical insects. Each mosquito inflicts continuous damage, and the swarm effect is amplified if released in a confined space.
Steam Cannon
"name": "Steam Cannon",
"tier": "2",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Heat",
"description": "A tier 2 cannon that utilizes pressurized steam to deal heat damage. While not the most powerful weapon, its unique properties can be effective in certain battles.",
"baseDamage": 5,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Cooling_Regulator)
"Ah, the Steam Cannon! A veritable triumph of design, melding the elegance of steam technology with the destructive power of modern weaponry. The way it builds up pressure, releasing it in a scorching torrent—simply magnificent! But do exercise caution, my dear explorer; it can be as temperamental as it is powerful. Manage its heat well, and it'll serve you admirably." - Elias Quark
Description: A formidable weapon that harnesses the raw power of steam, the Steam Cannon is a marvel of both steampunk engineering and lethal efficiency. Its gleaming barrel, adorned with intricate cogs and pressure gauges, releases devastating bursts of high-pressure steam that scald and blast enemies in close quarters. Combining the aesthetic of a bygone era with advanced technology, the Steam Cannon is as much a piece of art as it is a weapon of destruction.
Passive Ability - "Pressure Build-Up"
The Steam Cannon gains additional damage the longer it is fired continuously, building up pressure to a critical point. Be mindful of overheating, as the weapon will need to cool down after sustained firing.
Active Ability - "Scalding Burst"
Unleashes a concentrated burst of superheated steam in a cone in front of the player, dealing high damage and applying a burn effect to enemies caught in the blast.
Quantum Lash
"name": "Quantum Lash",
"tier": "4",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Ethereal",
"description": "A tier 4 ethereal whip that resonates with quantum energies. Its damage may be low, but its unique properties make it suitable for specialized situations.",
"baseDamage": 2,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Dimensional_Nodes)
"Ahh, the Quantum Lash, an absolute marvel of both science and mysticism! You see, it operates on principles beyond our typical understanding. A whip that exists everywhere and nowhere at the same time? Preposterous, yet here it is! Its focused strikes are remarkable, but the way it lashes out at distant foes? Truly fascinating! Just be careful not to entangle yourself in its complexities."
Description: An quantum entangled whip, crafted from mysterious superpositioned materials that resonate with the fabric of reality. The Quantum Lash exists in multiple states at once, allowing it to reach foes regardless of distance. Its twisting, ethereal tendrils strike with precision, targeting single enemies with increased potency or lashing out unpredictably at random foes. The shimmering patterns on the whip's handle hide the secrets of its quantum nature.
Passive Ability - "Quantum Precision"
Deals additional damage when targeting a single enemy. The Quantum Lash adapts to focus its quantum states on one target, amplifying the damage inflicted.
Active Ability - "Quantum Entanglement"
Attacks X random enemies (e.g., 3) any distance away from the player. By embracing its multi-state existence, the Quantum Lash can temporarily entangle with distant foes, striking them with uncanny accuracy.
Galactic Glaive
"name": "Galactic Glaive",
"tier": "4",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Cosmic",
"description": "A tier 4 slashing weapon imbued with cosmic energy, fitting for a warrior progressing through the game.",
"baseDamage": 12,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Nebula_Matrix, Nebula_Infusion)
"Ah, the Galactic Glaive! Truly a wonder to behold, isn't it? The alien metal in the blade, the intricacy of the steampunk engineering – they don't make them like this on Earth, I'll tell you that much. With the Celestial Resonance, it cuts through armor like a hot knife through butter, and the Starfall Strike? Simply breathtaking! This weapon is not only a technological marvel but a piece of art. Now, where did I put those alien metal samples..."
Description: The Galactic Glaive is a masterful fusion of alien metallurgy and intricate steampunk engineering. Its blade, crafted from an unknown alien metal, gleams with a celestial hue and vibrates with an otherworldly hum. The haft is adorned with cogs, gears, and steam-driven modules that enhance its capabilities. This polearm resonates with energies from the far reaches of the galaxy and stands as a testament to the technological marvels of two distinct worlds. Hits closest enemy with an energy blast and then reverses in the opposite direction passing through and damaging all enemies on the way.
Passive Ability - "Celestial Resonance"
The glaive's blade resonates with alien energy, allowing it to penetrate armor and shields, dealing extra damage to armored enemies. Its celestial aura may also intimidate weaker foes, reducing their attack power.
Active Ability - "Starfall Strike"
The player can activate the glaive's steam-driven modules to call down a shower of energy stars, striking multiple enemies in a wide area. This ability combines the alien energy of the blade with the steampunk mechanisms in the haft, creating a visually stunning and devastating attack.
Starfire Lance
"name": "Starfire Lance",
"tier": "4",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 50,
"damage_type": "Cosmic",
"description": "A radiant tier 4 lance that harnesses the energy of distant stars, emitting a soft glow. It's considered an Epic-tier weapon with high energy damage.",
"baseDamage": 18,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.0,
"upgradePaths": (Nebula_Matrix, Nebula_Infusion)
"The Starfire Lance, ah, now that's a marvel! The energy of a collapsing star, contained and harnessed in a single weapon. Its glow is mesmerizing, but don't be fooled; its power is immense. The Supernova Strike is not just a metaphor; it's a literal manifestation of a celestial phenomenon. As for the Starborn Resilience, it's a protective mechanism that turns your foes' energy against them. Truly, this weapon is a cosmic dance of creation and annihilation."
Description: A magnificent spear infused with the energy of a dying star, the Starfire Lance emanates an ethereal glow that symbolizes both creation and destruction. The shaft is made from advanced steampunk alloys, adorned with intricate patterns and mechanisms, while the spearhead contains a miniature star in a state of collapse, trapped within a containment field. The energy released by this collapsing star can be harnessed in devastating energy attacks.
Passive Ability - "Starborn Resilience"
The containment field of the dying star offers passive protection against energy-based attacks, absorbing some of the energy and adding it to the player's power reserves. The more energy attacks absorbed, the stronger the next attack becomes.
Active Ability - "Supernova Strike"
The spear can unleash the contained star's energy in a focused, explosive burst. The Supernova Strike sends a wave of stellar energy forward, damaging and knocking back enemies in its path. The explosion resembles the beauty and fury of a dying star.
Chrono Mace
"name": "Chrono Mace",
"tier": "4",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 5,
"durability": 100,
"damage_type": "Chrono",
"description": "An intricate tier 4 melee weapon crafted from interlocking chrono mace substrate.",
"baseDamage": 8,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.2,
"upgradePaths": (Temporal_Amplifier)
"My word, what an extraordinary invention! The temporal design, the colors, the resonance! Everything harmoniously linked and spinning with a precision that could only be described as... art! The temporal effects embedded within the chrono fields are nothing short of revolutionary. A spectacle to behold! An explorer wielding this would be as much a performer of time as they are a warrior."
Description: An intricate melee weapon crafted from interlocking quantum manifold blades, intricately blessed with arcane chrono enchantments. The Chrono Mace is a testament to the marriage of mechanical ingenuity, quantum engineering, and the channeling of time. When swung, the mace rotates at high speeds across various breaks in time, turning the mace into a whirling attack of dimensional energy that rips through even the toughest of materials. Its vibrant, colorful appearance adds to its allure, masking the raw power contained within its finely-tuned mechanisms.
Passive Ability - "Time-Linked Edge"
The quantum bladed edges of the mace are linked with a unique temporal alloy, allowing it to briefly slow down time in the immediate vicinity of a successful hit. This results in a slowed movement effect on enemies struck, giving the player a tactical advantage.
Active Ability - "Whirling Chronostorm"
The player can activate the Chrono's full power, sending out a storm of spinning quantum time cog projectiles in all directions. These cogs bounce off obstacles and enemies, causing chrono chaos and additional damage over time.
The Nebula Forge
Professor Elias Quark has stumbled upon a unique alloy known as "StarMetal," harvested from a fallen celestial body that crashed onto the planet. The substance is brimming with latent cosmic energy and can be melded with existing weaponry at the "Nebula Forge"—a newly constructed anvil placed at the heart of the lab, radiating mysterious energies. Players will have to gather specific cosmic relics to ignite the Nebula Forge's core, making it possible for the professor to use this cosmic anvil to evolve the weapons.
"Eureka! Feast your eyes upon this—The Nebula Forge! A concoction of the most arcane metallurgy and celestial physics, all to upgrade your armory. You see, the StarMetal we've gathered is not just a simple metal; it is the crystallized essence of cosmic wonders. When applied to the Forge, it resonates at frequencies that even I have yet to fully understand. Oh, the potential! Your weapons won't just evolve; they'll ascend to a level of complexity and power that's quite literally out of this world!"
By evolving their weapons at the Nebula Forge, players unlock an ultimate version that always allows two weapons to be blended in unique ways. adding new active and passive abilities that interact with the existing ones in unpredictable and synergistic ways. This makes each evolved weapon not just an upgrade, but a completely new gameplay experience.
Voltic Swarmblade
"name": "Voltic Swarmblade",
"tier": "4",
"gear_type": "Weapon",
"stat_bonus": 7,
"durability": 70,
"damage_type": "Slashing", "Electric", "Sprocket",
"description": "Born from the Nebula Forge, this floating axe carries both the erratic electric charge of the Electro Axe and the relentless pursuit of the Sprocket Mosquito. The blade buzzes menacingly, awaiting the command to crash down upon enemies with terrific force and precision.",
"baseDamage": 20,
"baseAttackSpeed": 1.2,
"upgradePaths": (StarMetal_Enchantment, Ionized_Sprocket)
Created from the Electro Axe + the Sprocket Mosquito
Description: A fascinating hybrid, the Voltic Swarmblade embodies the best qualities of its parent weapons. Floating ominously, the axe patrols the battlefield at the player's command. It inherits the Electro Axe's chaotic electric charges and the Sprocket Mosquito's relentless targeting system, making it a versatile weapon capable of handling multiple combat scenarios.
Passive Ability - "Orbital Onslaught"
The Voltic Swarmblade hovers near the player, periodically crashing down on enemies within its range. Each crash generates electrical and sprocket damage, but also discharges a magnetic pulse, knocking enemies back. Over time, the weapon gathers static and mechanical energy, increasing its damage output and area of effect.
Active Ability - "Galactic Divebomb"
At the player's command, the Voltic Swarmblade soars high and performs a devastating divebomb attack, causing a massive explosion on impact. The explosion not only deals heavy damage but also releases a mini-swarm of Sprocket Mosquitoes and electric arcs, adding confusion and chaos to the battlefield.