Gameplay polish / Visual polish / Story / Audio
Achievements: List of achievements the player has unlocked.
Multiple Save Slots: Consider allowing multiple save slots for different playthroughs. You can manage this by saving multiple files, such as
, etc.Backup System: Regularly create backup saves to prevent data loss.
Create an achievement manager that checks for achievement conditions. When an achievement is unlocked, update the save data.
To prevent tampering, encrypt all save data. We will unlock relevant data for mod people later.
Explore Cloud Saves
Try tampering with save files to ensure encryption works.
Ensure there's feedback to the player when the game saves.
Add autosaving at regular intervals and displaying an icon to inform the player.
Create intuitive menus for save/load operations.
Add visual effect for a souls like particle that takes your cumulative XP for the turn and flies to your XP bar to make it flash and grow